YouNet Media Index Ranking
Rankings of standout campaigns on Social Media are updated seasonally or based on marketing objectives.
The data for the rankings is compiled using YouNet Media's Social Listening platform SocialHeat.

YouNet Media Index Ranking
Rankings of standout campaigns on Social Media are updated seasonally or based on marketing objectives.
The data for the rankings is compiled using YouNet Media's Social Listening platform SocialHeat.
YMI Ranking Methodology
Monthly/Yearly and industry-specific rankings feature nearly 40 brands leading trends and overall performance on social media.
Measure and compare brand communication effectiveness by combining 4 key indicators: Brand Mention Score, Sentiment Index, Buzz Score, and Audience Scale Score.
Brands appearing in the rankings must meet the criteria of achieving a positive Sentiment Index. The data for the rankings is compiled using YouNet Media’s Social Listening platform SocialHeat.

The Brand Relevance in discussions (based on the volume of conversations mentioning the brand).

The Brand Love Level on Social Media (based on positive & negative discussion on social media.

The Brand Noise Level on Social Media (based on total mentions generated about brand on social media).

The Coverage of Brand on Social Media (based on the audience scale – number of unique audiences who participate in the conversations about the brand).
YMI Ranking Methodology
Monthly/Yearly and industry-specific rankings feature nearly 40 brands leading trends and overall performance on social media.
Measure and compare brand communication effectiveness by combining 4 key indicators: Brand Mention Score, Sentiment Index, Buzz Score, and Audience Scale Score.
Brands appearing in the rankings must meet the criteria of achieving a positive Sentiment Index. The data for the rankings is compiled using YouNet Media’s Social Listening platform SocialHeat.

The Brand Relevance in discussions (based on the volume of conversations mentioning the brand).

The Brand Love Level on Social Media (based on positive & negative discussion on social media.

The Brand Noise Level on Social Media (based on total mentions generated about brand on social media).

The Coverage of Brand on Social Media (based on the audience scale – number of unique audiences who participate in the conversations about the brand).